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Why Highly Processed Seed Oils Aren’t Ideal for Your Health

You’ve likely heard about certain cooking oils being touted as ‘healthy’ or ‘heart-friendly.’ While some oils indeed offer health benefits, they’re not all on an equal footing.

Highly Processed Seed Oils

Here’s the scoop on highly processed seed oils 🚫:

Highly Processed Seed Oils1️⃣ Inflammatory Omega-6s: These oils often come with an imbalanced ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids. A diet rich in Omega-6s and low in Omega-3s can lead to inflammation, a contributing factor to many chronic diseases.

2️⃣ Processing & Chemicals: A lot of seed oils are subjected to intense processing that includes high temperatures, bleaching, and the use of chemical solvents. This can rob the oil of its natural nutrients and may introduce unwanted compounds.

3️⃣ Oxidation Concerns: These oils can oxidize when they come into contact with heat, light, and air. This oxidation results in harmful free radicals that can wreak havoc on our body’s cells.

4️⃣ Common Culprits: Some of the frequently used processed seed oils are soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, among others. Make it a habit to read the label!

Healthier Alternatives:

Cold-pressed oils: Extracted without the use of high heat or chemical solvents, these oils preserve more of their natural goodness.

Ghee and Tallow: Both are traditional fats with high smoke points, making them stable for cooking. Ghee is rich in beneficial fats and is lactose-free. Tallow is packed with saturated fats and fat-soluble vitamins, offering a savoury flavour to dishes.

Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil: These are often viewed as superior choices due to their nutrient content and stability.

Expanding the Discussion on Healthier Oil Choices
While the focus on healthier oil alternatives is important, it’s also crucial to understand the broader context in which we use these oils:

  • Moderation in Consumption:
    Regardless of the oil’s health benefits, it’s essential to consume fats in moderation. 🚫Excessive intake of any fat, regardless of its source, can have negative health implications.

  • Culinary Applications:
    Different oils have different smoke points and flavors, which makes them suitable for various cooking methods.

    For instance,
     – Olive oil is great for dressings or low-heat cooking
     – Avocado oil is more versatile for high-heat applications
    See more in FAQ

  • Environmental Impact:
    The production of certain oils, like palm oil, can have significant environmental impacts. It’s important to consider sustainability when choosing oils.

  • Nutritional Balance:
    Incorporating a variety of fats in your diet ensures a balance of essential fatty acids. This includes a mix of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats.

💡 Personal Suggestion

Being healthier is usually seen as being more expensive, yet this is what I do. I practice Intermittent Fasting and skip breakfast and the café in the morning, saving money to focus on a healthy lunch. I prepare my lunch whenever possible, as many restaurants use vegetable oils or similar.

Making better choices regarding the oils and fats in our diet is a move in the right direction for healthier eating. Remember, it’s the quality that counts! Do your own research and choose wisely. Stay educated and stay healthy! 💪❤️



Frequently Asked Questions


How to Choose the Right Cooking Oils and Fats for Different Culinary Applications?


  1. Olive Oil:

    • ✅ Best for: Dressings, marinades, and low to medium-heat cooking.
    • 🚫 Not ideal for: High-heat cooking or deep frying due to a lower smoke point.

  2. Avocado Oil:

    • ✅ Best for: High-heat cooking methods like frying, sautéing, and grilling due to its high smoke point.
    • ✳️ Versatile in: Baking and dressings as well.

  3. Butter:

    • ✅ Best for: Baking, sautéing at lower temperatures, and as a flavor enhancer.
    • 🚫 Not ideal for: High-heat cooking as it burns easily.

  4. Ghee (Clarified Butter):

    • ✅ Best for: High-heat cooking, frying, and sautéing due to its higher smoke point compared to regular butter.
    • ✳️ Versatile in: Baking and as a spread.

  5. Coconut Oil:

    • ✅ Best for: Medium-heat cooking, baking, and as a dairy-free alternative in recipes.
    • 🚫 Not ideal for: High-heat cooking due to the possibility of oxidation at higher temperatures.

  6. Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

    • ✅ Best for: Dressings, dips, and low-heat cooking to retain its flavor.
    • 🚫 Not ideal for: High-heat cooking as it can lose its flavour and beneficial properties.

These examples highlight how different oils and fats can be optimally used based on their smoke points, flavors, and nutritional properties, ensuring both healthful and flavorful cooking.


Lionel ThomasLionel Thomas
Father, Gamer and Founder with a Passion for Health, AI, Environment and Gamification of Life.

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  • 4 Healthier Cooking Oils (and 4 to Avoid)

    Guide on choosing the right cooking oils based on their smoke points, nutritional composition, and suitability for different cooking methods. Key points include:

    Healthier Cooking Oils for High Heat:

    Olive Oil: Has a medium smoke point, suitable for baking and cooking. Rich in antioxidants and oleic acid, it may offer anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and heart-health benefits.
    Avocado Oil: High smoke point, ideal for deep frying. Nutritionally similar to olive oil and may provide anti-inflammatory and heart-health benefits.
    Sesame Oil: Medium-high smoke point. High in heart-healthy antioxidants like sesamol and sesaminol. Suitable for general cooking and sautéing.
    Safflower Oil: High smoke point and neutral flavor. Low in saturated fat, high in unsaturated fatty acids, may promote heart health.
    Oils to Avoid for High Heat Cooking:

    Fish or Algae Oil: Best as cold, dietary supplements.
    Flax Oil: Low smoke point, better for cold uses like salad dressings.
    Palm Oil: Ethical concerns due to rainforest destruction; calorie-dense.
    Walnut Oil: Low smoke point, best for cold preparations.
    Factors to Consider:

    Cooking oils can reach a smoke point where they break down, releasing free radicals and acrolein.
    The degree of processing affects oil quality. Refined oils typically have higher smoke points.
    Nutritional composition varies based on the oil source.
    Cooking Sprays:

    Alternative options include non-aerosol products and refillable oil spray bottles.

    Choose oils based on stability at high temperatures.
    Consider unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants for health benefits.
    Some oils are better for cold preparations or as supplements.
    This guide helps in making informed choices about cooking oils for different culinary needs while considering health benefits and cooking properties.

  • Do Cooking Oils Present a Health Risk?

    The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
    The article "Do Cooking Oils Present a Health Risk?" by Guy Crosby in Food Technology Magazine examines the safety and health effects of cooking oils. Key points include:

    Historical Context: Vegetable oils have been used for cooking for thousands of years. Widespread use of oils like soybean, canola, corn, and palm began in the first half of the 20th century. Soybean oil is the most consumed in the U.S., and palm oil is the most consumed worldwide.

    Growing Concerns: There has been a significant increase in vegetable oil consumption and concerns about their safety. Cooking oils can undergo chemical changes when heated, such as oxidation, polymerization, and hydrolysis, producing potentially harmful compounds.

    Oxidation in Cooking Oils: Oxidation produces aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols, which contribute to the flavors of fried foods. However, some of these compounds can be toxic in large quantities. The article gives the example of trans, trans-2,4-decadienal, which forms in heated soybean oil and has a relatively low toxicity but should still be limited due to potential health effects.

    Thermal Degradation: Cooking oils can produce toxic aldehydes like acrolein when heated to smoking points. Acrolein is highly toxic and irritating.

    Selection of Cooking Oils: The article advises choosing oils with high smoke points to reduce the formation of harmful compounds. It also recommends oils that are less unsaturated, as they are more stable and less prone to oxidation.

    Health Concerns and Recommendations: Home cooking with vegetable oil is considered low risk, as the oil is typically used only once and for a short duration. The risk lies in excessive consumption of fried foods, especially from restaurants and food service establishments where oil is reused.

    Conclusions: The technology of cooking oils is evolving, with a shift towards oils that are more stable to oxidation and have virtually no trans fat. Olive oil is recommended for home cooking due to its stability, high smoke point, and long history of safe use.

    The article provides a nuanced view of the health risks associated with cooking oils, highlighting the importance of choosing the right type of oil and using it properly to minimize health risks.

  • Top 8 Healthy Cooking Oils (Plus, the Ones to Avoid Entirely)

    Dr. Axe
    The article "Top 8 Healthy Cooking Oils (Plus, the Ones to Avoid Entirely)" by Rachael Link, MS, RD, highlights the best cooking oils for health benefits and which ones to avoid:

    What to Look For: The article emphasizes considering smoke points, flavors, and nutritional content when choosing cooking oils. Oils with low smoke points can oxidize at high temperatures, creating harmful free radicals.

    Top 8 Healthy Cooking Oils:
    Avocado Oil: High in monounsaturated fats and oleic acid, it has a high smoke point and is versatile. Good for cooking, baking, and in dressings.

    Ghee: A clarified butter high in saturated fat and with a high smoke point. It produces fewer toxic compounds when heated compared to oils like soybean oil.

    Coconut Oil: Rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), beneficial for metabolism and brain function. Suitable for cooking and as a butter substitute.

    Grapeseed Oil: Contains polyunsaturated fats and vitamin E. Best used in dressings and baked goods, not for high-heat cooking.

    Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Packed with antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, beneficial for heart health. Ideal for drizzling over prepared meals.

    Walnut Oil: High in omega-3 fatty acids, good for heart health and inflammation. Best used in dressings and to add flavor to dishes.

    Sesame Oil: Rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, it may lower LDL cholesterol. Ideal as a finishing oil for flavor.

    Red Palm Oil: High in antioxidants and beta-carotene. It has a high smoke point, suitable for baking and frying. Choose RSPO-certified products due to environmental concerns.

    Oils to Avoid:
    Avoid heavily processed vegetable oils like corn, canola, soybean, and safflower oil, often high in omega-6 fatty acids and prone to oxidation.

    Limit the use of peanut oil and avoid hydrogenated fats like margarine or vegetable shortening, high in trans fats.

    Be cautious with essential oils in cooking due to their fragility and potential for oxidation.

    Final Thoughts: The choice of cooking oil should depend on the cooking method and recipe. A variety of healthy oils can provide different health benefits, while avoiding highly processed and hydrogenated oils is crucial for minimizing health risks.

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